Florida Traffic School. Defensive Driving School
to remove points
from your license
3-in-3 Driver Change Bundles

Group and Online courses are available at our many convenient locations. Court ordered & elective options
Choose from our Defensive Driving Courses

4 Hours
of Basic Driver Improvement
A Florida traffic ticket can ruin your day! Whether you got your Florida ticket for speeding, red light running, improper lane change, failure to yield, or any some other moving violation, we have good news for you – you can take your Florida traffic school course with us! Not only will this course keep points off your license, but it may also provide insurance benefits if you have not had a traffic citation before.
- The fastest, easiest way to do traffic school. There is no final exam. The course contains short unit quizzes instead. Some Court ordered cases will require you to take this course in person; please select the classroom option ($45).
- Successfully completing our 4-hour BDI course will ensure:
- You keep the points off your record
- You keep your insurance rates from going up (§626.9541, F.S.)
- You maintain a current Safe Driver status

8 Hours
of Intermediate Driver Improvement
If you’ve received two or more traffic tickets, or if you’ve already taken a 4-hour Basic Driver Improvement course to satisfy court requirement, you may need to take the Florida 8-hour Intermediate Driver Improvement traffic school course. We make it as easy and flexible as possible. Because it’s online and self-paced, you can break up the course into shorter sessions at times that work for you. Using the latest in multimedia teaching tools, we make the material easy to learn. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll be able to finish the course, and fulfill your court requirement!
- The fastest, easiest way to do traffic school. There is no final exam. The course contains short unit quizzes instead. Some Court ordered cases will require you to take this course in person; please select the classroom option ($89).
- Successfully completing our 8-hour IDI course will ensure:
- Your court-ordered requirements are met
- You may keep the points off your record
- You may keep your insurance rates from going up
- You maintain a current Safe Driver status

12 Hours
of Advanced Driver Improvement
Having your license suspended can pose major problems Finding the time to complete the required 12-hour Florida ADI course is just one of them. This Florida 12-hour Advanced Driver Improvement course offers you a flexible way to fulfill your court requirement, making it easier to return to the road.
- The fastest, easiest way to do traffic school. There is no final exam. The course contains short unit quizzes instead. Some Court ordered cases will require you to take this course in person; please select the classroom option ($ varies based on location).
- Successfully completing our 12-hour ADI course will ensure:
- Your fulfill your court ordered requirements to maintain your license
- May allow you to get your hardship license
- May satisfy requirements for suspension revocation, habitual offender and DUI requirements.
The Point System in Florida
If your desire is to maintain every driving privilege in Florida, you have to keep your driving record clean. Whenever you break a traffic law or become one of the unsafe drivers, your license can be suspended, canceled or revoked. And because Florida has “reciprocal agreements” with most other states, the suspension or cancellation of your driver’s license will apply in the other states if you already have the privilege there or you have failed to pay tickets.
In the state of Florida, you will receive points on your driver’s license after violating one of the common traffic laws. Keep in mind that you cannot exceed a certain number of points within a specified length of time if you want to keep your driver’s license. Many points on your driving record can lead to loss of driving privileges.
Reasons To Attend Traffic School
Also known as, a defensive driving course, traffic school is not the most popular way of spending your spare time. However, the courses comes with many benefits. From reducing your ticket fines to setting off the accumulated points on your driving records, traffic school can save you money and time. To attend traffic school in Florida, you can either go in person or take some courses online. Here are some of the benefits that come with completing traffic school.
Become a Better Driver with All Florida Safety Institute's Online traffic school
Do you need to complete traffic school classes? You should not worry about the long boring lectures and stuffy classrooms. With online traffic school classes, you can complete all the lessons from your home. The convenience of these courses allows you to select where and when to learn. Through an internet connection, you can log in at any time of the day and study at your own pace. Even more, your progress will be automatically saved for your next session. That is why most people are relying on these classes to get their first driver’s license.
Here are the benefits of taking the classes online:
You can complete the online course while on the go, at the library or at home. Your parents will not need to drive you to and from a classroom or wait for you to complete the day’s class. Saving time is vital, particularly for students who are juggling many after school activities. Taking online classes means that you can study at any time, day or night.
The state authorities accept this course
Most states are now accepting the online traffic school courses and more will start to allow it. However, before enrolling, you have to check the requirements of your state to ensure that the relevant authorities have already accredited the course that you are about to take.
Less distractions
If traffic school is mandatory in your state, you are likely to find students who are in a classroom just because the law requires them to be there. Their fidgeting and lack of interest is likely to distract you. To drive safely throughout your life, you have to understand the rules of the road. You, therefore, need to study in the right environment to learn these important safety concepts and regulations.
No rush
Some students take a longer time to understand and comprehend different concepts while others learn faster. By taking traffic school lessons online, you will be able to move on at the right pace for you and can plan the learning times to match your schedule. If you realize that you have missed important information, you can always repeat the sections.
Suitable for people who live out of town
Getting to a classroom on time to attend a traffic school class is hard, particularly if you live a long distance from town. By taking online classes, you will not rely on other people to transport you over a long distance or to pick you up after classes.
Your parents might be willing to give up some of their time to help you complete the classes. However, as a young adult you might not want to rely on them for everything. Online classes help you to complete your traffic school requirement without relying on anyone. With the course, you will also learn how to manage your time appropriately. That is the first step towards gaining the independence you need as you move towards finishing high school.
Improve your insurance rates
Traffic school is worth the cost. In fact, people who have received moving violation traffics prefer traffic school naturally to fighting the ticket in court. When fighting a ticket in court, the odds are against you – even when you are right. Moreover, the classes will help you improve your car insurance rates.
Many insurance companies have been incentivizing drivers to take defensive driving course by providing a discount on the premium upon completion. To know whether you can benefit, visit your insurance provider’s website page or call an agent. Actually, some insurance companies may refuse to insure you if you have incurred serious moving violations.
Reduce ticket fines
Perhaps, you have made numerous mistakes when driving. That does not mean that you should stop driving. Most of the mistakes drivers commit are very costly. Ticket fines, court fees are high and your auto insurance provider is likely to increase your rates.
However, in some states, traffic court reduces fines for individuals who agree to attend traffic school classes. Before you appear in a court, you should contact the court clerk to ask about the possibility. Select one of the traffic schools within your area.
Improve your driving skills
You should not attend traffic school classes just because they can help reduce your expenses; they are there to help you improve your driving skills. Your driving record can be clean and the insurance premium might be where you want it to remain, but improving your driving skills is always a great idea.
You want to remain safe when driving. In a traffic school, you will learn the methods that can protect you and others when on the road. In addition to refreshers on the traffic laws and regulations, you will sharpen your reaction skills and get hazard prevention skills.
Improve your driving record
No one would want bad judgment to ruin his/her good driving record. A traffic school can help you offset points or prevent their increase due to traffic tickets. That is particularly important because most insurance companies rely on the records to determine rates. One violation can highly increase your insurance premium. By attending a traffic school, you will be able to prevent the insurance rate spikes.
Maintain your driving privileges
Did you know that you might lose your driving privilege if the points on your record exceed the set limit? Most drivers who get many citations within a set period face license suspension. If you are currently at a high risk for your license suspension, you should consult the local enforcement agency. They will find out whether attending traffic school will help.
Schedule Your Driving Lessons with Us!
Get started today! Online Courses or traditional classroom at any of our locations.
More info on the Florida drivers license point system:
This is Florida’s point system for traffic rules violations. You should remember that one traffic incident might consist of several violations. Therefore, points for every violation will appear on your driving record. In other words, you might receive several points for a single traffic incident.
A quick example: if you received a ticket for having exceeded the 15mph speed limit and another citation for failing to use the turn signal when moving from one lane to another, you will get 7 points in total. Here is what to expect:
- Leaving a crash scene that resulted in property damages worth over $50, you will get 6 points
- Unlawful speed that results in a vehicle crash will add 6 points
- Reckless driving and criminal traffic violations will provide 4 points
- Passing stopped school bus will guarantee you 4 points
- Unlawful speed (exceeding 15 mph or the set speed limit) will result in 4 points.
- Unlawful speed (below 15 mph or below the posted speed limit) will guarantee you 3 points
- Violating a child restraint law will lead to 3 more points
- Any other moving violation such as parking outside the limits of a municipality or on a highway will add 3 points
- Moving violations excluding unlawful speed that results in a vehicle crash will result in 4 points
- Convictions under the Florida Litter Law will add 3 points on your driving record
The number of points that will lead to suspension of your driver’s license
Points have to remain on your driving record for a total of 36 months or 3 years. The three-year period starts after the citation has cleared the country and after you have paid the fine. If you opt to challenge the convictions in court, but the court finds you guilty, the points will start after the court’s requirements are satisfied. Insurance increases following the citation will be effective for three years.
Even more, the points will not be removed from your driving record after you have served a suspension. The state also requires you to complete the 12 Hour Advanced Driver Improvement Course (ADI course) to get back your driving privileges.
- 12 points within 12 months will lead to 30 days suspension
- 18 points within 18 months period will lead to 90 days suspension
- 24 points within a 36 months period will lead to 1 year suspension
Should you fight a ticket, or should you go to a traffic school?
Here are the negatives to expect when challenging your traffic ticket in court:
Waste of your time
When contesting a ticket, you will have to visit the court in the Florida county that your traffic violation occurred at least two times in a week. And when representing yourself, you will require some more time to gather and organize evidence. That means you have to contact witnesses.
You will pay legal fees
Traffic ticket attorneys will always charge you the legal fee. Depending on the nature of your case and the length of trial, that could be expensive.
There is no guarantee
Unfortunately, after you have presented your case in the right way, the judge might rule against you. If that happens, you will face the penalties associated with the traffic citation such as points, fines and increase of auto insurance rate. You will also pay the legal and court fees.
You might get a traffic violation simply because you forgot to switch on the turn signals or a speeding ticket for driving too fast. You might not know the next step to take after receiving the traffic ticket. In fact, a traffic ticket brings expensive, annoying and even serious penalties like increased vehicle insurance costs and fines, license suspension and driving record points accumulation. Considering that, the time you spend deciding on whether to attend a traffic school or fight the ticket in court is time well spent.
Should you fight the ticket in court? If you truly think that you were wrongly charged with a traffic violation and have the time and patience for going to court, here is what can happen.
- Drop the charges
By challenging the traffic ticket in court, you will manage to have every charge dropped. In other words, you will not pay any fines and or get traffic tickets on your driving record. Also, depending on the traffic laws of your state, you will not accumulate any driving record points.
- No inflated insurance rates
If you win the case, your insurance premiums will not increase. Most auto insurance providers closely monitor driving records and they can increase the rate if your record is bad. Egregious traffic violations including DUI, reckless driving and speeding tickets on your driver’s record will definitely increase your car’s insurance rate.
- Prevent the suspension or revocation of your license
Thirdly, you might reach a plea bargain agreement before you go to court and therefore pay lesser charges. Depending on your driving record, a single traffic ticket may lead to suspension or revocation of your driving privileges. To prevent that from happening, you have to keep the traffic ticket off your driving record. A successful fight in court will save you from the inconveniences of public transport or soliciting rides from family and friends.
- Save your job
Depending on the type of your work, dropped traffic charges could easily save your job. That applies more to commercial drivers.
- Nothing at all
Depending on your driving record and the traffic ticket and the way the court is feeling that day, you may not achieve the result that you desired in court. Follow your gut, but remember that there are no guarantees in the legal system.