By: Sydney Warren
Parallel parking, you either hate it or you love it, there’s really no in-between. Florida is one of the 15 states that do not require its potential drivers to demonstrate how to parallel park during the parking portion of the driving test. While many of you may be secretly rejoicing, I wouldn’t celebrate for too long. Florida’s main reason for not requiring it’s new drivers to learn how to parallel park is due to the few areas around Florida that actually have parallel parking spots. A good portion of parking within Florida is not parallel. While this initially sounds like a sterling reason, it’s ultimately not. At some point, especially if you find yourself down in South Florida or any major city such as Miami, Charlotte, or Chicago you’re going to have to parallel park.
Parallel parking may sound like a scary thing, but I promise you it’s not. So instead of driving around in circles looking for a generic parking spot, set aside the time to learn, and then practice how to parallel park. Not only will it make your life easier in particular situations, it’s a fun skill to impress your fellow peers, colleagues, and family members with.
Even though there are no current laws or requirements for new drivers in Florida to learn how to parallel park, it should be highly encouraged for new drivers to master this skill. If anything parallel parking has been made quite easy for us with all the new technology that comes included in a vehicle. From sensors, to back-up cameras, and even self-parking cars there’s really no excuse to not know how to parallel park in this day and age.
Here are a few of my tips and tricks when it comes to parallel parking, consider this a very basic, simplistic crash course.
Take your time. I cannot stress this enough! There’s so need to rush the process because that’s when accidents happen and unnecessary stress begins to build. Take it nice and slow, and parallel park at a pace you are comfortable at.
It’s okay if you don’t succeed the first time, or even the second time. Like I’ve said before practice makes perfect.
Utilize your vehicles technology, but don’t forget that your rearview mirror and side mirrors can be valuable tool as well. And are typically overlooked my most drivers.
Be considerate of the cars around you when parallel parking.