Watch out for reckless drivers in Florida
By; Erika Wright
Driving is dangerous, let’s be real. You would think distracted driving would be the most common cause for accidents. Cell phone are a huge problem especially with teens and 20 somethings driving, not to mention even changing the radio or air conditioning settings takes your focus off the road in front if you. However, driving in poor weather conditions causes the most amount of accidents. If you think about it, it makes sense. Poor driving conditions effects every driver on the road. Freezing conditions make roads very slippery, and snow also freezes the roads, but it also creates white out conditions which affect both your visibility and judgement of distance. In the same sense, heavy rain also makes roads slippery. The glare of puddles makes it difficult to judge puddle depth; this is a large problem for smaller cars. Wind is also a factor. Large cars and trucks have more issues with wind than smaller cars, however, tractor trailers have been known to flip over and swerve in their lane due to winds pushing their large sail of a trailer around. How you drive is a huge factor on the road. Not just for your safety but those drivers around you too.
What am I talking about? Driving is driving, right?
Not so much. There are defensive drivers or extremely cautious drivers. These are drivers who go exactly the speed limit 5 or 10 mph under, slow down to almost a stop when turning, stop at all yield signs and put their blinker on a mile and a half before their actual turn. This can be very dangerous. On the other end of the spectrum, we have aggressive or reckless drivers. This category of drivers are the drivers who split traffic, weave though multiple lanes overtaking other drivers on the road, often times exceeding the speed limit by 15 to 30 mph. Many states consider anything over 15 mph reckless, and you will be penalized if caught. Reckless driving also includes not obeying traffic signs, the rules of the lines on the road, and not abiding by the lights at a traffic light. It’s also considered reckless to not maintain your vehicle. Simple things like making sure all your tires have tread and your headlights, tail lights and especially brake lights work properly, and if you are towing a trailer or car, that extension of your vehicle needs to have working tail lights as well.
Now let’s be sympathetic and rationalize that these fast reckless drivers might be late for an appointment or in an emergency. However, some are out just to be the fastest on the road. It’s important to remember that driving is not a race. Everyone is going somewhere, and you’re not going to get there at all if you’re in an accident because of making poor driving decisions.
So, we’ve identified the top 3 most common causes for car accidents: poor weather conditions, distracted driving and reckless driving. Driving can seem a bit surreal, you’re comfortable in your car with the temperature adjusted just right, the seat positioned just right, and your stereo playing your favorite jams. Even in the best driving conditions be safe, follow all traffic signs, and be aware of those around you, we are all important and going somewhere.