littering in florida is bad

Florida’s littering laws – keep our beautiful state clean!

Littering: Criminal and Civil Penalties

By: Taylor Millstone

Most of us have littered at some point whether it’s a food wrapper, bottles, cans, or tobacco products.
Throughout Jacksonville, you’re very likely to find some trash or other rubbish along the road. However,
most people do not know some of the civil and even criminal penalties that can result from littering.

Florida’s Littering Laws

In Florida, if a person litters and the weight of the trash is no more than 15 pounds, there can be a
penalty of up to $100 dollars. If the litter is 15 to 500 pounds, it can become a first-degree
misdemeanor offense with up to 12 months in jail. It doesn’t stop there though. If the litter is 500
pounds or 100 cubic feet in volume, then the offense can become a third degree felony. You may also be
required to do community service such as litter pickup. Even though you are unlikely to alone produce
enough litter for a felony, even defending yourself for a minor infraction can be difficult. In a trial, the
burden of proof falls on you.

The defendant is responsible for proving why they had the right to dump litter rather than the state proving why the defendant didn’t have the right to dump litter. If you tossed trash out of your window on a road trip, this would be quite difficult to prove. Although the penalties depend on the specifics of the case, such as the amount of damage, the fact that such severe penalties for littering exist does seem scary.

It Can Take You Off the Road

You may have not thought of this either. If someone was throwing trash out of a vehicle, three points
will be added to their driving record at the DMV. Points are penalties that serve as deterrents for future
offenses. Unfortunately, the accumulation of points often results in suspension. If you get 12 points in
12 months, that means a 30 day suspension. If you get 24 points in 36 months, that is a 1 year
suspension. Also, any points you receive stay on your driving record for three years. Besides severe fines
and losing driving privileges, points can also significantly increase your insurance premium.

Littering alone probably won’t make you lose your license, but compounded with other
offenses, points can accumulate. A moving violation from an accident can lead to four points. Speeding
less than 15mph over the speed limit can add four points. Unfortunately, hindsight is always better and
sometimes you end up with a less than ideal situation. One option is to take a defensive driving class
which can reduce your points and potentially get you back on the road.

Keep This in Mind

Although some of the litter penalties may seem excessive, having some form of penalties isn’t entirely
unreasonable . States have spent millions of dollars trying to clean up roadways, parks, and coasts.

Litter also damages property values. It makes places less attractive to people considering moving there. Litter can also damage the environment. Animals, sometimes pets, pick up trash and suffer health
consequences. The next time you are out driving, try to throw your trash in a bag inside the car. It will
save you major hassles later on.